What you need to know about estate planning

3 tips to set your family up for success



Estate planning isn’t just for the elderly. The last thing you want to do is wait until it’s nearly too late to get your affairs in order. If you own property, you need a plan on who will take over when you’re gone. You may not know where to start, and that’s okay — I can help.



Your assets include more than just your home. They consist of your money, businesses, and other possessions you deem of value. This mix of assets will dictate how you go about your plans. Taking it all into consideration can be overwhelming, but that’s why I’m here.



Matters like these are personal and intimate. For some people, it can be difficult to face or even talk about. Guess what? That’s okay. Calling an attorney will aid in making the process easier. I have the compassion to handle your needs with care. Don’t hesitate to call.


Paul V. L. CampoAttorney Paul V. L. Campo is committed to providing individuals and families with personalized, knowledgeable, and efficient legal counsel for everything from basic wills to complex trusts and probate administration.


We Chat In My Office

I look forward to meeting you and hearing about you and your family and working with you to secure whatever goals you identify for the distribution of your your estate and to deisgn that plan to maximizes available tax benefits and apply current law that most benefits you.

I Present a Course of Action

Your life is unlike any other. For that reason, your plans are tailor-made with confidence and finesse.

We Work Together

Let’s collaborate our efforts. That way, we can assure your needs are being met all the way around.

Working with a lawyer can make your life easier

let me prove it to you

Working on a flat-fee basis

No surprises, no nonsense — just solid service.

My goal is to build a strong working relationship with every client built on mutual respect. My clients entrust me with the responsibilty of devising an estate plan by which their life’s savings and family heirlooms will be safely passed on to the next generation, to friends, or to charitable organizations. This is a charge I embrace and enjoy, and it is a process requiring honest communication between client and attorney. I enjoy getting to know my clients and count many of them as friends, and a client must feel comfortable enough with me to share information with me that may be uncomfortable or private. The client should know that I have seen much during my three plus decades of practice and I will never be judge another person’s walk through life; nor judge another’s person’s delicate family situation; nor will I second-guess life choices another person has made. My sole goal is to be understaning and to understand and to find solutions that work for each person’s unique life situaiton. I expect my clients to be direct and forthright and I will always be candid and honest with every client. Building an estate plan is a process that requires open communication and I want every client of mine to know how much I care about the product I deliver and that I am always willing to listen and help.


Over the past 30 years, I’ve worked with a lot of families just like yours. Well, I take that back. While my experience has definitely provided me with the competence to take on your needs with ease, there really isn’t another family like yours. You’re one-of-a-kind, and what works for everyone else might not work for you. That’s why I take great pride in working closely with you to make sure I understand the ins and outs. From your finances to family dynamic, there’s a lot to consider that can influence your plans. My job is to get it all laid out on the table so I can guide you in the right direction. As a result, the needs of you and your loved ones are taken care of.

Commitment is key in these circumstances. If one thing’s for certain, it’s that I’m committed to helping you create a plan that works. Ultimately, the decision is yours. My desire is to make sure that what you decide to do is informative and makes sense. We’re definitely a team.

Located in Carlsbad, California, I represent families here and throughout North County San Diego. Maybe you need representation for your estate. Perhaps you need insight on elder law. You could be seeking counsel for business law matters. Whatever your needs are, I’m here to help and ready to speak with you today.

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