Second Marriages & Estate Planning in California

It’s important to revisit your estate plan each time you pass a major milestone in your life. For instance, having a child, getting remarried, and starting a business are all occasions that call for a review of your estate plan. That way (should worse come to worst), your loved ones will have accurate, up-to-date documents outlining your wishes with regard to your children, property, assets, medical treatment preferences, end-of-life care, and related considerations.

Estate Planning for Second Marriages

When it comes to second marriages, failing to update your estate plan can lead to complications down the line. If your wishes are not properly documented, they cannot be properly carried out after you are gone and this can lead to animosity among your surviving family members, which defeats the point of planning your estate.

Fortunately, you can save your family from a great deal of legal, financial, and emotional stress by updating your estate plan now. My law firm, the Estate Preservation Group, is here to help.

My name is Amy Fike Peters, and my firm is Estate Preservation Group, which services clients in Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Encinitas, Carlsbad and North County San Diego. I would like to personally invite you to schedule a one-on-one consultation to help you establish an estate plan or update an existing one.

Avoid Common Estate Planning Mistakes

In a January 2019 report, CNBC revealed that approximately 17% of people remarry after their first marriage comes to an end. The report also called attention to the fact that, without making the necessary updates to their estate plan, the people within that 17% can (and often do) accidentally disinherit their own children.

To avoid any unintentional disinheriting — and, of course, to ensure your wishes are up to date in general — it’s best to schedule a consultation with an estate planning attorney now. When you choose the Estate Preservation Group, I will work closely with you and your spouse to make necessary updates where they matter most:

  • Beneficiaries and Heirs. Now that your family dynamics have changed, you may want to take some time to reflect on which personal items, assets, and properties you want to pass on to your children, stepchildren, new spouse, and other family members. I’ll help you update your estate plan to match.
  • Powers of Attorney. In the event that you become incapacitated, the state will look to your will or trust to determine who should make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. Let’s make sure your declared powers of attorney are up to date.
  • Insurance Policies. As an experienced estate planning attorney, I can help you adjust your insurance policies as needed to reflect the correct beneficiaries.
  • Special Considerations. If your case calls for any specific wishes or special considerations, I will take the time to include them in your estate plan. For instance, I am extremely well-versed in business considerations for estate planning, advance healthcare directives, and charitable giving strategies.

Speaking as someone who has handled estate plans for more than 30 years, I know from experience that there is no “one size fits all” solution. Every family is different, and it’s important that their estate plan is catered to fit their unique family dynamics and goals. As your attorney, I will take the time to understand those intricacies and implement them in your estate planning documents.

Estate Planning Services in Carlsbad, California

Based in Carlsbad, California, the Estate Preservation Group proudly serves blended families throughout Carlsbad and North County San Diego. If you’ve recently remarried — or if you have estate planning questions in general — I encourage you to contact my firm and set up an informative consultation.

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